Shipping & Delivery
We offer free shipping throughout Europe. This includes all EU countries. Unfortunately we cannot ship to Switzerland for free.
As soon as your order leaves our warehouse, you will receive an email with a confirmation plus a tracking number from DPD to see where your COSTABOARD is.
Please note that we cannot send your COSTABOARD package to Packstations because it is too big and will be automatically returned to us. Exception: If you order only the NLG SPHERE, it is no problem.
If you didn't get a confirmation email, please check your spam folder, that's where the emails like to land ;) You can find more about our shipping conditions here under "Delivery and shipping conditions".
Delivery / Black Friday and Christmas.
When will the board or the order reach me?:
From 24.11.22 we ship daily but due to high demand it takes a few days until we have your board ready and packed. We guarantee delivery by December 20, 2022 at the latest.
If you have any further questions you can also contact us by email at contact@costaboard.com.